550 posts
Aug 02, 2010
12:38 PM
i've heard the Harter family was imported in the early 60's about the same time Pensom was bringing in birds. anyone have this family, or know of someone who is raising them?
Steve in Blue Point, NY
Bill from NJ
126 posts
Aug 02, 2010
5:41 PM
Hello Steve,
I have had this family for many years. My Russel Harter pigeons came from Roger O. Baker - Akron, OH. I purchased mine directly from Charlie Hubbs of Riverside, NJ.
I too would like to know the full history of this family. What I do know I learned from Charlie, but I would like to confirm this info from something in writing, before I make any comments.
There were a few postings from a year or so ago about this same family.
Try typing Russel Harter into the search site box.
Good luck....
551 posts
Aug 03, 2010
7:39 AM
Hi Bill, thanks for the info. If you have any of these for sale, please let me know. ----------
Steve in Blue Point, NY
Bill from NJ
127 posts
Aug 03, 2010
11:22 AM
Thanks Steve, but outside sales of birds are not allowed on this site.
I have to respect Tony's posting policy.
But, Thanks anyway.
552 posts
Aug 03, 2010
2:11 PM
Bill, could you give me your email? ----------
Steve in Blue Point, NY
old guy
57 posts
Aug 04, 2010
6:11 AM
Seeing this thread tweeked my memory. In the late 1950s Russ sent me a kit of squeakers. They were amazing birds to fly, they came into the roll at a young age and had a characteristic I have never seen since. They would begin the roll with a strong downward sweep of their wings which drove them up and back. They seemed to leap up into the roll. I would love to have some just like them today. Wayne
553 posts
Aug 04, 2010
7:24 AM
Oldguy, when did you see these birds? I have only heard good things, but seeing them flying would be great. ----------
Steve in Blue Point, NY
old guy
58 posts
Aug 04, 2010
10:35 AM
Steve, I had these Harter birds from about 1957 until the early sixties.
Bill from NJ
128 posts
Aug 04, 2010
10:44 AM
Personally I enjoy this family of birds.
They are only one of two families I've had for many many years.
I would not change them for anything.
My biggest complaint about this family is "they get lost crossing the street!"
This is why I fly them with my Mottles, too keep them all together.
They roll good and they kit very well. They complement my mottles while flying.
554 posts
Aug 04, 2010
6:06 PM
Wayne, why did you get rid of your Harter birds? and did you find they 'got lost crossing the street' like Bill? ----------
Steve in Blue Point, NY
old guy
59 posts
Aug 05, 2010
5:41 AM
Steve, I left home for college and gave up my birds. I lived in a rural area with our farmstead the only real landmark within a half mile so I never had any trouble with lost birds. Wayne
555 posts
Aug 05, 2010
1:40 PM
Wayne, do you know of anyone who has this family?
Steve in Blue Point, NY
old guy
60 posts
Aug 05, 2010
3:01 PM
Sorry Steve, I don't, but I know a guy who may know if any birds down from Harter still exist in the Ohio area. I will check with him. There probably wouldn't be much similarity after so many generations of selection.
Last Edited by on Aug 05, 2010 3:02 PM
556 posts
Aug 05, 2010
5:01 PM
Wayne, ok, thanx. i'm sure almost every line has had significant changes, and that's the big question, whether or not the birds will ever resemble their ancestors. ----------
Steve in Blue Point, NY