Roller Pigeons For Sale. $65 Young Birds and $100 Adult Seed Stock. Proven Line of Ruby Roller Pigeons. Bred From Proven Breeders
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Giant Commie
Aug 24, 2004
4:54 PM
Who are you.

1. Name
2. Age
3. Occupation
4. Strain of birds
5.Goal in the roller hobby
6. Do you compete in kit comps (Club,Fall Fly World Cup)
39 posts
Aug 24, 2004
5:18 PM
Paul Fullerton

36 years young

Fire Captain
UC Davis Firefighter's IAFF local #4437

Mort Emami/ Ruby Roller.

I compete in the W/C and Fall Fly and any other flys that I can get into!

Last Edited by on Nov 30, 2008 10:24 PM
George Ruiz
Aug 24, 2004
6:38 PM
George Ruiz

37 years

Security Officer

My birds go back to Bob Scott I obtained from Charlie Saldana, Phil Mandujuano,Pual Hugaes.

My goal is to Build my own family of birds and fly in as many competitions as possible.
18 posts
Aug 24, 2004
7:18 PM
1. Name- Jeff Vollmer

2. Age- 33

3. Occupation- Polyurethane spray foam applicator

4. Strain of birds- Don't know what this is

5.Goal in the roller hobby- Get a salty team of rollers and start competing

6. Do you compete in kit comps (Club,Fall Fly World Cup)-- don't have a kit yet
Dry Creek lofts
42 posts
Aug 25, 2004
5:22 AM

62 years young

Master Ships Carpenter

I fly Dave Henderson and Dan Cowell,Joe Urbon line of birds

I plane on flying comp flys as soon as I can

Last Edited by Dry Creek lofts on Aug 25, 2004 5:23 AM
Mother lode lofts
109 posts
Aug 25, 2004
9:19 PM
Name : Scott Campbell
Valley Springs Ca.

Age : 46

Occupation : Building Contractor

strain : Originated from Kenny Billings

Goal : To keep moving forward

Do I compete : Yes, whether I'm ready or not

Last Edited by Mother lode lofts on Aug 25, 2004 10:45 PM
166 posts
Aug 25, 2004
9:28 PM
1. Name--Brian McCormick (BMC)

2. Age- Thirty-Something

3. Occupation-Editor

4. Strain of birds-Creating my own

5.Goal in the roller hobby--To fly the best kits I can that will compete with the best in the world.

6. Do you compete in kit comps--Every competition I can (club, WC, NBRC, and any others that come this way)
19 posts
Aug 26, 2004
11:02 PM
Brian Middaugh
IBEW Electrician Local 575
Joe Roe/Hardesty & Ken Billings/Scott Campbell
To do the best I can for the hobby anywhere that is needed. And to keep the State of Ohio on the map.
Yes I fly in most flies except the W/C because of hawk season. But will give it a shot next year since I'm in a new location.
20 posts
Aug 27, 2004
5:56 AM
1. Dan Kraker

2. 45

3. Warehousing/distribution

4. Hulst...local fella who has flown them for 30+ years

5. Improve both the quality of my birds and the ratio of good
rollers raised each year.

6. Don't snub me on this, I have not flown in
3 posts
Sep 16, 2004
9:57 AM
Name: Grant Gilman

Age: 34

Occupation: Nutritionist/Formulations--Feed Mill

Birds: Mainly Don Ouellette. A few pairs from Rick Schoening.

Goals: To have fun, enjoy my birds and meet people that enjoy the hobby as I do. Hopefully keep the families performing as the gentlemen above have.

Competitions: Plan to fly the WC 2005 and go from there.
7 posts
Sep 16, 2004
11:21 AM
Kenny Hartman
Amarillo Texas
Bathroom remodeling including:
Cultured marble showers tubs and sinks

Cheney And Cheney-Taylor

Goals are to have the best kit I can from the stock I have to work with.
To promote the sport of roller pigeons in any capacity possible.

I do not compete......yet
redneckhippie*blue dot lofts*

Last Edited by redneckhippie15 on Oct 23, 2004 11:19 AM
Ally Mac
4 posts
Sep 16, 2004
1:38 PM
Alasdair Maclean

Scotland UK.

Age 35

Occupation Boat Builder

Strain of birds Various Still collecting, Hopeing to get some George Mason (england). Accidently acquired two Tumblers, will this be a problem flying with the rollers?

Goal in the roller hobby To Have fun and establish a Kit of 15 - 20,
None in Scotland (unfortunately)
7 posts
Sep 16, 2004
3:02 PM
1. ChaChi
2. 33,
3. United states Marine
4. Have some Masons I got from a really good guy on Pigeon Loft Classifieds.
5. Continue to fine tune my breeder loft, read a few more books on rollers, raise enough birds to get back in the air, and Trap/Kill this big #$%^&*! snake that got in my loft!
6. Don't fly competitions but hope to some day.
14 posts
Sep 16, 2004
6:32 PM
1) Jay Alnimer

2) 45

3) Systems Analyst/Architect

4) Danny Horner strain that was originated from Richard Jaconette.

5) Now I am just a backyard fancier until I build my team.

6) Plan to compete in the near future and to start this hobby and maybe start a craze in this area where I live once people see my birds perform in the sky.

Good Luck everyone.

Last Edited by J_Star on Sep 16, 2004 6:35 PM
6 posts
Sep 21, 2004
8:03 PM
Joe Urbon
35 yrs old
Master mechanic Local 3
I only have one goal and that is to continue the improvements that I have made on this family of birds
I fly both locally and nationally as long as the preditors allow me to
Alan Bliven
2 posts
Sep 22, 2004
10:36 AM
1. Name - Alan Bliven
2. Age - 48
3. Occupation - Breed and Wholesale Live Tropical Fish (African Cichlids)
4. Strain of birds - Flying Oriental Rollers. I'm looking for a future foundation for Birmingham Rollers
5. Goal in the roller hobby - Have fun, portable lofts and turn others on to Rollers
6. Do you compete in kit comps - No, maybe someday.
Rick Mee
6 posts
Oct 20, 2004
12:46 PM
One of you guys asked me to fill this out, so here goes.

Rick Mee, currently Dothan,AL getting ready to move to Killeen, TX for the next 3 years, then will move back here to retire.


Military (Army)

I fly my own family of Rollers

My goal is to some day win the World Cup, but that is secondary to just enjoying my birds in my own back yard.

I compete in competitions when my work permits, just started again after a 4 year lay off and really enjoying the hoby again.
2 posts
Oct 21, 2004
12:08 PM
Cliff Ball-Oak Ridge North Carolina

54 years young


Rollers obtained from Tom Williams (Homer Coderre and Plona's line of Pensom's) and Jay Yandle (James Turner Indigo and Andalusians)

I have always outcrossed and had mediochre rollers with an occaisional spinner. My goal is to inbreed to develope a tight family of more consistent spinners that kit well, like I hear and read so much about, but have never been able to accomplish.

I have never competed, never having had the genetic strength for spinning in my breeders, until now.

Last Edited by Cliff on Oct 21, 2004 12:09 PM
21 posts
Oct 22, 2004
4:05 AM
1- Don Liebes
2- 37
3- I load explosives for airbags. Just here to save your ass if someone else gets stupid.
4- Idon't have a strain yet. Have three pair from the Julsons in Utah and just got some birds from Paul and Bill in Cali.
5- Goal in the hobby? To win the world cup. To win it and be good enough to have enough stock birds to donate the winning kit for the NBRC auction. I want to say yes I won with this kit of birds and I can do it again with a new kit. So here is the world cup kit for anyone who wants to buy it. I want to know that when I have achived my goal I can achieve it again. It's not just a one time goal, it's a lifetime goal.
6- No. I am just getting started and I haven't had a kit of birds to enter yet. Hopefully by spring I will. Just got eight new birds six younguns and one breeder pair. So next year I will be competeing.
118 posts
Oct 22, 2004
7:40 AM
1. Rauf Siddiqi
2. 34
3. System Analyst
4. R. Jaconette
5. Fly excellent kit of rollers(All birds break together, frequent, tight and deep)
6. No

Last Edited by Siddiqir on Dec 27, 2004 10:59 AM
33 posts
Oct 22, 2004
12:52 PM
1. Kevin Naylor

2. 37

3. C&H Sugar Company

4. KGB line and Kiser old line

5.To improve the performance birmingham roller and clubs.

6. Yes, local and World Cup and NBRC.
23 posts
Oct 23, 2004
10:09 AM
Freddie Bennett


51 years old

Flying a family based on Jerry Higgins birds
also working on my own family of birds based on Don Simpson S.C. birds

Hope to build my family up to be competitive on a national basis.

Compete localy and world cup.

Last Edited by Freddie on Oct 23, 2004 10:14 AM
6 posts
Oct 25, 2004
5:32 PM
Caleb Strating

15 years old

working for my dad (finish carpentry)

I have most of my birds from Dan Kraker

To fly a good kit next spring

Not yet , Hopefully soon
22 posts
Sep 28, 2005
6:32 PM
Paul Dersch


Ashland, Ohio
Sullivan Township

Truck Driver Teamster #436

Hardesty/Roe, I got from Rick Szempias in Oregon Oh, Fireballs, Ruby Rollers and Flying Oreintal Rollers

Just to learn as much as I can and to help promote this Great Hobby.

Last Edited by on Aug 05, 2007 2:33 PM
17 posts
Sep 28, 2005
6:48 PM
Father Mike brecht


Priest--And to pay the bills -Architectual Backsmith I serve a small parish

Ruby Rollers Agent/Reed
One day to compete

Last Edited by Fr.mike on Mar 20, 2006 2:29 PM
33 posts
Sep 28, 2005
10:41 PM
Riaan Naude

34 YRS

Fly Mason Ollie Harris & Bill Barret

Won this months club competition

Production Superviser

Last Edited by Riaan on Oct 06, 2005 7:06 AM
Double D
25 posts
Sep 29, 2005
1:34 PM
Name: Darin Olson

Age: 39

Occupation: Head of Compliance for a large Credit Union


My birds come from Ivan Hanchett by way of Bruce Cooper who got them directly from Pensom's Widow. I'm hoping to have a kit ready for the Fall Fly 2006. A secondary goal is to start a club in the area that I live in as we don't currently have one. I'm just here to learn everything I possibly can!

Last Edited by Double D on Jan 31, 2006 12:59 PM
Pigeon Fancier
470 posts
Sep 29, 2005
2:05 PM
Name; David Strait Jr.Harrisonville,Pennsylvania

Age: 63

Occupation: Retired Building Contractor.Active Forest Fire Warden.

Favorite Music:Blues,Country,Southern Gospel

Hobbys:Hunting,Fishing,Cleaning Skulls and Bones with Dermestid Beetles,Rollers.

Roller Strain: James Turner,Pensom,Hardesty,Jaconette,and a splattering of others.Main family:Turner.

Goal.To continue learning about this great hobby and breed the best rollers I can.Keep playing my Harmonicas and live to be 100 and just enjoy life.

Competition: Last 2 years in the 11 bird NBRC Fall Fly.
Won my region and placed 10th both years in the Finals.

Last Edited by on Jul 11, 2007 2:52 AM
Mongrel Lofts
28 posts
Sep 29, 2005
8:19 PM


3. TRUCK DRIVER AND HEAVY Equipment operator


5. To die with better rollers than I have today. To establish a family of Birmingham rollers that will be remembered and talked about long after I'm gone.

6. I fly in the NBRC, WC, Idaho roller Club locally. I fly my A team against my B team if I can't find anyone else to compete with..
big al
126 posts
Sep 30, 2005
6:52 PM
Name: Allen Strother "High Plains Spinner Loft"
Victorville Ca

Age: 45

Occupation: Until recently Human Resources Manager for a large Hotel chain. (Safety and OSHA Compliance) Currently working on private business venture.

Strain: Developing my own family

Goal: Just keep having fun and meeting people who's first priority with rollers is the same. Developing my own family to where they'll exceed my expectations. To earn respect and admiration in the roller hobby and eventually see others flying and enjoying my birds. To always stay open-mined and in the learning mode.

Competition: preparing for World Cup and the Fall Fly 2006.
I plan on competing in any fly I can get into, as well as showing some Birmingham Rollers. ----------
See you in the roll!

Big Al
"High Plains Spinner Loft"

Last Edited by big al on Sep 30, 2005 6:59 PM
BR Rollers
13 posts
Sep 30, 2005
7:45 PM
1. Age: 50 and son 9
2. occupation: Aircraft Maintenance Technician (A&P)
3. strain of birds: (Richard Apodaca Pensoms) and Norm Reed line.
4. Goal: To teach my son to love pigeons as much as I did when his age. I am just returning to the Roller hobby since the 70's. I want to build my proven spinner producing stock first. Then fly a great team of birds like I did in the past.
Competition: I have in the past and will again in the future. Depending on how soon I find the birds that click will determine how soon I return. My son will be the one to watch out He is very competitive and even catches the bigger fish when I take him
15 posts
Sep 30, 2005
8:29 PM
Robert Bryant
starting out after 15 yr hiatus
Got some Breeders from Richard Apodaca
I just want to get some birds in the air that Roll---
I have 2 pair of young birds coming from Tony, Ruby Red Rollers, I will just breed from them and fly the Y/B
2 posts
Oct 03, 2005
10:57 AM

20 posts
Oct 03, 2005
11:16 AM
Name: David Vang
Occupation: HS Bio Teacher
Age: 30
Strains: Joe Emberton, Jack Meyer, and Tom Brower
Competition: this will be my first year and hope to continue for a long time. Regional fly is this friday.
41 posts
Oct 04, 2005
2:38 AM
1. Debbie Lay 2. 45 years old, been into pigeons for 35 years. 3. Wife of 16 years and Mother of 3 children and 100 pigeons give or take. 4. My goal is a nice roll, a kit that stick together and some hot colors. Haven't flown competation to busy with everything. Maybe after the kids go. I can show and fly again.
BR Rollers
14 posts
Oct 05, 2005
9:43 PM
Richard are you asking who BR Rollers is? If so this is your friend Ronnie over here in North Carolina. The "B" stands for my 9 year old son Ben. And the "R" , well is self explanitory!
It has been to long my friend! We are certainly over due to have another one of our wonderful Roller conversations. I have been very curious as to how that nest of delutes turned out for you? The young red self did turn out to be a cock like you said. He just isn't a very agressive bird like the other young cocks.
I can't wait to get something off that wonderful Red Mottle hen! I really have been losing sleep over I may rigg up lights to set up a few special pair....Just a thought right now...may need your advise on this.

My health is about 90 percent now and I started back to work just yesterday. It sure is GREAT to be alive! And of course to have wonderful friends like you! Say hi to Rod for me if you speak to him.
Talk to you soon.
10 posts
Oct 06, 2005
6:48 AM
Name:Cedric Leighton
Age:34 years,8 months and 6 days
Occupation:Change and Release manager for Nedbank IT
Strain of birds:Currently flying Bob Brown 213's but busy creating my own family
Goal:To enjoy my birds as well as the hobby. Hopefully win the World Cup oneday.
Competitions: I am not a competative person but I do fly in all possible competitions that I can. This in tern gives some sort of measurement as to where by birds are.

Keep on rolling......
3 posts
Oct 06, 2005
11:51 AM
Name: Keith Maxwell
Age: 40
Occupation: Manufacturing Engineer (Boeing)
Strain of birds: Schreiber/DeBoer
Goal: Be competative in every fly
I will be competing in World Cup and Fall Flys
Bill from NJ
5 posts
Oct 07, 2005
6:33 PM
* Bill Latham
* 48
* Public Health Field
* The Original Les Manz, Charles Hubbs Strain
* To relax and enjoy the entertainment my pigeons bring me
* No desire to compete, I'm the back yard type of rollerman
39 posts
Jan 03, 2006
10:02 PM
Name: Norm Hebib
Age: 20 year young
Occupation: College Student
Birds: Tom McDaniel (NC)
Goal: Enjoy my birds as much as I can and promote the hobby
Compete: Not any time soon (one day)

Last Edited by Norm_Knox on Jan 03, 2006 10:03 PM
2 posts
Jan 04, 2006
1:34 AM
1: javon wright oakland, ca 2:building contractor 3:have recieved bird from a local breeder,who birds came from chandler groover. 4:goal is to breed for depth,control and quality pigeons. 5:hope to fly in competition very soon. Oh by the way im 28 year old.
25 posts
Jan 04, 2006
5:25 AM






Last Edited by jord on Jan 04, 2006 5:26 AM
7 posts
Jan 04, 2006
6:32 AM
My Name is Joe Frields
AGE I'm 50
OCCUPATION Owner of a residential program for teenage boys at risk.
STRAINS pensoms, joe roe, turner/mason, jaconetts and looking at niebles.
GOALS to enjoy the birds, introduce rollers to my son and 6 grandkids, develop my own strain, and to stay out of the color debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMPETION, Yes I do plan on competing in a few years.
8 posts
Jan 04, 2006
11:40 PM
1. Name - Jerry Fletcher, Alexandria MN
2. Age - 51
3. Occupation - Retired Banker, now a hobby farmer. Yes too young to retire.....had a serious throat surgery 2 1/2 yrs ago,(not cancer) I am legally blind, poor speech, can't swallow I have a PEG feeding tube BUT I don't let it slow me down. I have Roller, American Fantails, and a Boer goat herd.
4. Strain of birds - Family of Rollers acquired from Myron Turk
5. Goal in the roller hobby - I enjoy my birds, I have color projects--all phases of Andalusian - Indigo and Reduced Black "Blue Laced"
6. I do not compete or fly my birds (see #3)
2 posts
Jan 05, 2006
4:05 PM
Curtis Miller,63,retired old fart,birds from Walter Teal Houston,enjoy,will compete if i reach that level
2 posts
Jan 05, 2006
7:26 PM
flying prue 514 and monty neibles,out of Pomona ca my 31 years old,my occupation union brick layer

Last Edited by Birdman514 on Jan 05, 2006 7:31 PM
18 posts
Jan 06, 2006
2:58 PM
al petrone


retired highway superintendent

had just about all of them.

just to keep my birds pure performing rollers.

competed a lot in the early 60s. but just a back yard flyer the last 40 years or so.

Last Edited by on Oct 04, 2007 6:27 PM
41 posts
Jan 30, 2006
8:52 AM
Kim Tappenden
Reading Michigan
male 49
Rollers 1 year had them as a kid in late 60's early 70's
Pemsoms- Hendersons
To fly comp. maybe 11 bird kit this fall. Going to take a few years to get 20 together.Plus go see some other lofts and watch some good kit's.
9 posts
Jan 30, 2006
10:15 AM
1) John Moore ( Spin City Loft )
Gardena, CA

2) 42

3) Fleet Service Clerk ( American Airlines )

4) Steve Agent (Norm Reed)
Monty Neible (Directly for Monty)

All of my birds are from Steve Agent but I have one pair from Sal Estrada.

5) To become more consistent in flying and breeding
quality birds.To be competitive every time I fly, so I give myself a chance to win.

6) Club - ( West Coast Spinners)1st-in 2006,3rd-in 2007
I fly World Cup & Fall Fly

Last Edited by on Dec 02, 2007 10:47 AM
15 posts
Jan 30, 2006
12:24 PM
Washington Cha



Rollers (NPA)



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