Sound Rollers
331 posts
May 05, 2010
9:46 AM
Do you clip them?
1754 posts
May 05, 2010
10:41 AM
Yes, if they become too long and the birds start to have a problem walking on wire. Thom
Sound Rollers
333 posts
May 05, 2010
10:41 AM
Thanks Thom
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
4023 posts
May 05, 2010
12:26 PM
I notice the nails on some breeders can get long and have a nice hook on them that can accidentally stick new hatches and pull them from the nest, I think it happens to hatching eggs too, I think that is why you will sometimes see eggs in the middle of hatching, laying on the nest box floor. I clip my breeders nails. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Sound Rollers
334 posts
May 05, 2010
12:59 PM
Tony, I think that's what may have happened in-regards to my "Saved Squab" post. The hen definitely had some hooked nails.
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
4024 posts
May 05, 2010
1:08 PM
Yeah John, I would see my share of new hatches or eggs scattered on the floor and wonder what happened. Then I figured out the nails seemed to be long in one or both the parents. Since I recognized this could happen and started clipping mails, it rarely happens now. Yay for me! lol ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Last Edited by on May 05, 2010 1:09 PM
817 posts
May 05, 2010
4:28 PM
John...If you use an emery board you are not so likely to cut the tow.JDA
rookie from ct
273 posts
May 05, 2010
5:31 PM
John don't be looking at this for your "saved squab " post again your birds are not a year old yet and i have had breeders for 3&4 years in individual cages that haven't needed nails trimmed, not saying they don't ever need them trimmed but not at under a year old i would look at old fart's #1751&1753 post. call me any time if you like Dennis