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How do I start my own strain ?

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5 posts
Mar 01, 2010
9:19 AM
can anybody explain it ?
653 posts
Mar 01, 2010
11:09 AM
buy some birds.
fly them.
pick some traits you like in those birds.
try to make those traits dominant in all your newly bred birds by breeding them back and forth.

now you got your own line.

928 posts
Mar 01, 2010
11:36 AM
When you start out the last thing on your mind should be how do I start a strain. You should be interested in one thing and that is to produce quality rollers. You can call your birds whatever you like but they will not be recognized as your strain until you have proven them worthy. What I mean by that is when your peers deem them worthy. Nobody wants birds from a guy that has done nothing with them but call them his strain. When you are sucessful in the larger flies on more than one occasion than you may have some interest.

I am not sure what the hype is about having your own strain. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
4175 posts
Mar 01, 2010
12:23 PM
I agree, Joe. They will become a strain when other people say they are. I don't think the breeder is the one who declares it.

Aubrey Thibodeaux doesn't even call his own birds a strain and he has been flying the same birds in whole or part sense about 1984. It is I who call the birds I got from him Thibodeauxs.
"Left leaning communist pinko @#%* and Masturbator"
Nick Siders
1663 posts
Mar 01, 2010
3:11 PM
John, You asked about a strain but did you mean a family? If you wanted to know about a strain then, Joe and Nick are correct.
51 posts
Mar 01, 2010
3:44 PM
Starting your own strain is very easy. Eat alot of peanuts or foods that will constipate you and when you sit the throne you will have the honors to make claim over your own strain LOL
Hey all kidding aside A strain of birds is developed over time and basically we merge strain with family of birds that we have developed. The key is to have been succesful in breeding quality birds over a significant amount of time with a flying record to back them and a proven breeding record of the same. If your lucky enough your name will be attached to your birds and you will become recognized by developing a family and or strain of birds. The advice given above by other warrants merit. Breed for quality rollers and cull with intelligence and the rest of it will fall into place. Good Luck
6 posts
Mar 01, 2010
4:51 PM
You guys are tough but thanks.....I like the honesty...
Bill C
507 posts
Mar 01, 2010
10:53 PM
I would advise you to go see birds fly in your area. When you see the best birds in the air several times and know, THAT IS WHAT I WANT", then buy some squeakers from him. You cannot buy his best pairs, Very few will sell a really good pair, usually they are the pairs they dont want anyway. IF you befriend a guy he could sell you some good birds but ask for squeakers off his best pairs also.

This way you could wind up with the best bird he raised that year. If he flys it out and knows it, he will not sell that bird at any price. If you get older birds, I would still try and get some squeakers from him.

Now that you have some birds to fly out and pick your best in the air and so on. You have to make your own best rollers. You cannot buy champion birmingham rollers, you have to breed them. This is what i have done and I know it works. Its not the only way but was the easiest way for me to aquire really good birds.

There are a lot of average rollers out there, we all have some, but go for the gold. Velocity and Quality. You will only recognize it once you see them compared to the average rollers. So be sure and get out soon and see some birds rolling. Most guys will welcome you to see their birds if get to know them in your area.

Where do you live? ( I saw you lived in Los Angelos area, you can definately go see some exciting rollers fly soon )You did not put anything in your profile about yourself. Good Luck, Bill C

Last Edited by on Mar 01, 2010 11:09 PM

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