Roller Pigeons For Sale. $65 Young Birds and $100 Adult Seed Stock. Proven Line of Ruby Roller Pigeons. Bred From Proven Breeders
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Sound Rollers
215 posts
Feb 07, 2010
1:58 PM
From time of hatch to flying, can someone give me a time line for a squab? all is welcome. I'm building a good library of quality notes. This place is the best.

Robert Pelham
50 posts
Feb 07, 2010
2:46 PM
I try to pull the young birds from 25 to 28 days old.then if all is well I will have them walking around the front of the kit box or on the roof using the trap door at about 35 to 40 days old. then one week of that then I start making them fly.they will start kitting in about a week are is way better to start them will lose less.much respect.Robert Pelham
674 posts
Feb 08, 2010
9:15 AM
John...Look at my profile pics,the cage on the landing board over the traps teach young how to trap in and learn the feed can before you put them on the roof.JDA
michael salus
139 posts
Feb 08, 2010
11:37 AM
I really don't go by how old the young are, I go by how far they are in there development. All the birds develop at a different rate that's why I don't pay attention to the age. I will post a pic. of a bird that was just moved to the kit box. I look at the feathers under the wing and if they are half way feathering out that's when they go into the kit box. They are put on the floor of the breeder loft for about 4 days, so they can watch the parents feed and pick up that from their parents. At the age I transfer the young they can only fly a few feet. I give them free kit loft for about 10 days... they can come in and out at will . I use open door and trap to do this. They learn to trap real easy by doing this. After about 10 days or when they start to fly on there own... that's when I start flagging. They usually kit within a few days if you did it right. Food is given only after they go in for the finale flight of the day. Hope this helps.... There are many ways to train young and they all probably work. Photobucket
michael salus
140 posts
Feb 08, 2010
11:46 AM
Here is another picture of the kit box open. When you 1st put the birds in the box they usually just come to the opening and when they get braver.. after a couple days they fly to the ground and onto the roof. Of course if you have predator problems , you might want to use a wire cage. I have BOP problems, but I never seem to have a problem at this stage, only when they start to take to the skyPhotobucket Post a Message

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