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club question

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195 posts
Jan 23, 2010
3:32 PM
Just wanted to see what other clubs are doing and how its ran? I was just talking with another member of my club and he was asking me how come we dont have more meetings or just put a kit up and just chill......
Sooo, basically my question is how many meeting a year does your club have, and do yall hang out in just chill?
Just looking for some info on how your club is run. Like do you guys try and meet like once a month.

Make It Rain Loft/N.C.R.C.
853 posts
Jan 23, 2010
3:40 PM
my club meets once a month and we just talk business first and then shit afterwards not much to do since we cant fly
jerry t
2454 posts
Jan 23, 2010
3:42 PM

I am sure some of the older members can talk about the past and present of the NCRC. I know when I first got into the club we did more things together. I remember many BBQ's at Dwight's house, Had one at my house. I think in most recent years we had our President issue and with no leader at the helm..the boat is a ghost ship on its own path. I took over as NCRC president since nobody else had stepped up since the convention. We also had a club meeting at a pizza place in Sac after the convention and I think we had like 8 members show up. I think over the years from the way I see that meetings would be called and nobody would show up. So it is our fault as much as the organization..if meeting are called and nobody shows up and the club spends money on 10 pizzas will find that the meetings will get few and far in between.

The way I look at it is actions speak louder then words. I have noticed LOTS of people complain about the lack of meetings and functions, yet nobody wants to help for the functions and nobody shows up to the meetings. The convention is a perfect example. I had called two or three different meetings, sent out emails and Ken, Bill, Dwight, Joe Urbon and myself were just about it. The convention was put on by a select FEW! and to me that is not right.

I will do my best at being president and keep us afloat, but my plate is REALLY full with a baby on the way and I will need help. Keep your eyes and ears open because as soon as I talk to Ken we will hold a meeting and discuss the next pigeon show. So help and attendance is greatly appreciated.

rock and ROLL

196 posts
Jan 23, 2010
4:13 PM
I come to all meetings that I was invited to and I was at the last one with the pizza too . 1 of the 8 but I would like to know who is a member and get to no them all no I will support and do whatever I can .Hell give me the numbers and I will call guys and see if their still about it ... It just seems like aint nothin crackin thats all and If I can help call or do anything holla . I no for sure some of us just dont get the message. I no Im new to the club but Im just asking not blameing any
one I just wanna meet, hang out and talk pigeons with my club members. Paul, you no Im real about this bird thing and all I want and a few others is a solid club ....they asked me and i didnt no so Im putting out their to get some answer and ideals from other clubs ...brah

Make It Rain Loft/N.C.R.C

P.s. I didnt no you were the President, I thought it was still Bill until further notice.
870 posts
Jan 23, 2010
4:43 PM
Larry I have been a member of the NCRC since th early 80's and yes there were alot more get togethers in the past but you have to remember that we use to be able to fly year round. Also take into consideration the cost of fuel has trippled. I know there use to be a few guys in the Sac area that would hold a fly and get together once a month and was usually a $5 buy in and the winner each month took the pot. Sounds like alot of fun and when I spoke with them they talked highly of it. They did this even though they were always getting hit by hawks. That being said I think most of them are either not flying anymore ore the ones that are are now trying to hold onto the better birds through the winter in order to have something to compete with come spring. What the NCRC needs to do is get somebody back in charge of the website and make a better attempt to keep it current. There is also nothing that says that the members have to have get togethers as a club function. I would love to go see some of you guys birds during the winter monthes but I am just not willing to put any birds in the air just to have them slaughtered. Not all guys have the hawk problems as bad as I do and some have it much worse. The hawks and especially the falcons have continually gotten worse each year since the mid 90,s. At least for me thay have. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
197 posts
Jan 23, 2010
5:12 PM
"I know there use to be a few guys in the Sac area that would hold a fly and get together once a month and was usually a $5 buy in and the winner each month took the pot. Sounds like alot of fun and when I spoke with them they talked highly of it. They did this even though they were always getting hit by hawks".

Man I just wanna fly cant ask me to fly twice without me opening that door, But I do holdover the good birds but dont everyone keep a bottom kit they can throw up once a month? For the

How else us young flyers going to get that knowledge you guys have without asking ? Thanks For the feed back ..Student
4076 posts
Jan 23, 2010
5:45 PM
ASRA has a kick off meeting in January. Competition flies in February; March; and June. Most will compete in the World Cup in the spring and NBRC fly in the fall. We also have a picnic and show in September. Many will compete in the OPRA fly competition in December. For most we are involved in an activity 10 of the 12 months
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders

Last Edited by on Jan 23, 2010 5:46 PM
2455 posts
Jan 23, 2010
5:53 PM

I know you are interested you are one of the guys always at my casa!! LOL...I just took over the Presidency about 2 weeks as soon as I get a second of free time...I will give Ken a call and we will set up a meeting to discuss the show and we will also discuss our Club fly. As far as I know..nobody has taken that on yet either. You will be receiving and email from me in the near future for the meeting time.

I am thinking of just having a BBQ at my house for the meeting and then putting up some birds...i will keep you posted!!

Big Willy and Mookie have been talking alot too about getting together to get the show going and some fly times....I will keep you posted.

rock and ROLL

Hector Coya
607 posts
Jan 23, 2010
7:02 PM
Im the President of SGVS,San Gabriel Valley Spinners
We are having our Club meeting tomorrow,its the First club meeting of the year,From then on we Fly and talk about club issues after each fly,If there are any Issues.
if not we just hang out and order food.
We stay at the last house and eat.
All visitors welcome.
Hector Coya-SGVS

Bill C
474 posts
Jan 23, 2010
7:21 PM
Hi Larry and guys, Larry there was a lot of effort put into having some fun flies and events but over the past two years nobody wanted to participate.

Ken Firl tried to have a single bird competition, thinking everyone has at least one good roller and not a single guy called him after reading about it in the bulletin.

I also had tried to have some fun flies and put it in the bulletin where we would fly just three guys and have roller talk and BQ at the end and move around north, south area, west ect. Only Chor had called me and said he was interested when he had birds back then.

The bulletin is supposed to be filled with articles from our members and stuff going on and I have done it for 2 1/2 years now and want someone to take over the bulletin since we volunteer for 2 years to help out the club with bands, bulletin, president, Treasurer and so on. Nobody wants to do the bulletin, just like Paul said nobody wanted to be president either, so I was Vice pres. and bulltin guy until we fill the position. I am just waiting for the band info and when they arrive a bulletin will go out. One page. I dont have the time to do the bulletin the rest of my life, if you know what I mean.

Big willy did have a fun fly (young bird fly) last summer and it went great I heard. I wad camping at the ocean that weekend. Will suggested it and ran it and my hat goes off to him.

You and Will are great assets to this club because you have enthusiasm the club needs. Its just that the same guys cant always so everything. I do think the local Sac area does the most with each other and had talked of flying again in late spring and summer instead of Fall and early spring because of the BOP issue.

I'll be honest, I go in and out all the time with the club right now. Some days I have time and want to help out and most days I am too busy with kids and work and feel like quitting at times. Not quitting with my birds but, just lose the excitement I once had just as you have now. We all have our issues but dead winter there is just not much to do.

The club has its yearly Roller show and BQ meeting each year and also all regions now have roller shows to attend and the W/C and Fall fly are here each year also, Just think W/C is only about two months away in 7 days.

I am not saying you have to do anything and I know you will help out with anything going on with rollers and the club. Also new guys might feel they cant take over and do stuff in the club but you certainly can if you ever want to. Just like BIg Willy did.

Keep up your attitude larry, it might rub off on some of us. I was once just like you for 10 years, but I do need a 14 month break until after May 21, 2011. Hope to see you soon! Bill C

Last Edited by on Jan 23, 2010 7:26 PM
donnie james
898 posts
Jan 23, 2010
8:02 PM
hay larry,
the portsmouth roller club went though the same thing no one wanted to do any thing and after working with the guys i got the club started again and i wrote an article on ultimate score and passed it around to the members everyone started in taking park in the activeds ...........if you want me to send you a copy of it send me a private email at with your mailing address i'll be glad to send you a copy of it..............

Donny James
"Fly The Best And Cull The Rest"
"Saying One Thing;Doing Its Another"
"Keep Your Head Planted In The Sky And Wings Spanned Wide"
1996 Piedmont Roller Club Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Portsmouth Roller Club Participation Award System Recipient 1994 '96 '97 And 2000
2001 Limestone,Ohio Sportsman's Club Lifetime Member Recipient
2002Portsmouth Roller Club Certified Judge
2004Portsmouth Roller Club Lifetime Member Recipient
"Miss Portsmouth"NBRC/90/J311 Rusty Dun Check Self Hen First Bird To Get Certified In Portsmouth Roller Club History With A Score Of 53 Judge By Joe Roe The 1993 World Cup Winner And John Bender The 1994 World Cup Winner
253 posts
Jan 23, 2010
10:03 PM
Building a good club is hard. Many act as though they want to contribute until it is time to actually step up to the plate. Our Las Vegas Roller Club has been up and down over the years, mostly down. The last few years we have finally made some positive headway and had our best year ever with our first fly series( I'll brag that I won that!), our first lawn show that won QSDC best show for '09, and our own end of the year club barbeque and show. These were overall great events and more fun then ever before. We don't have a President, we do everything by committee. I was selected to chair the meetings so the discussions go in turn and don't turn into a BS session with people talking over each other,but as a committee we vote and majority wins. I think all that have been in a club for a few years will agree that it is hard to get a group that will all support and step up and contribute positively. Usually what happens is a few end up doing the vast majority of work and then the others expect to reap the benefits. This is when the infighting starts and the fun is gone! Be selective on who is allowed in your club. Set guidelins and stick to them. When you bend the rules or guidelines for one and not the others problems start. Most importantly, establish a goal or purpose of the club. If it is just for hard core serious fliers then it needs to be spelled out from the start. If it is for all that enjoy the hobby such as a mix of back yard fliers, competitors, and those that like to show their rollers or just hang out- that is fine too. But if that isn't understood from the start then problems will arise. Also, personal agendas cannot stand in the way of the club agendas. That has been our biggest problem here in Vegas. Nothing wrong with individual goals, but a club is a group of individuals working as one towards a common goal or purpose. There is nothing more fun then when your club is going right and having fun as a group, and nothing worse then when things start to fall apart. This post isn't meant to be negative, it is meant to share my experiences as part of a struggling club that has finally made positive progress and is FUN! It is worth the effort when the end result is FUN! Enjoy your next fly! and more importantly- enjoy your next club function! Don M. LVRC
200 posts
Jan 24, 2010
10:24 AM
Thanks for everyones input.. looking for a great year good luck to all this year ..student

Last Edited by on Jan 24, 2010 10:25 AM
120 posts
Jan 25, 2010
9:13 PM
We started our own website/ social network on Ning. It's free and a good way to plan club events. Go to roller world for the info. Starting in March we will start having a club fly the first Sunday of each month.

Dave - Hesperia, CA.

(San Bernardino Mountain Spinners)
28 posts
Jan 26, 2010
5:47 PM
I am president of the KRC, we have 25 members and meet every third Saturday of the month...One thing I feel is important for any meeting is to have an agenda...below is a copy of our club agenda from this past meeting of this month...Just my take on things...


“Promoting the Birmingham Roller Pigeon in the Greater Louisville and Surrounding Area”


I Roll call

II Reading of minutes from December 19, 2009 meeting

III Treasure report

IV Introduction of any guest(s) if present

V KRC fly competition regions and region directors

VI Appoint committee members for the 2010 community club kit

VII New Business

VIII Old Business

Reminder about club library

National Show Roller Club, Jan. 29 -30 at Campbellsville
“Breeders Cup Classic” 9-1 pm

IX Club raffle, if any items brought

X Next meeting date and time…third Saturday in Feburary is the 20th

XI Discussion and voting of any new membership if applicable…note: club members will go into closed session to discuss

XII Adjournment

Hand out 2010 club bands

KRC Winter Lawn Show
michael salus
125 posts
Jan 26, 2010
6:10 PM
Iproller , Why do you vote on new membership? Most clubs want and need all the members they can get and what would make someone not qualified?
29 posts
Jan 26, 2010
6:51 PM

that is a good question...our policy states to become a member a person must first attend a club meeting as an invitied guest of one of our members, at the end of the meeting that person is asked if they want to become a member if so we go into a closed session, all members discuss and then we vote...the person that brought the guest then tells them of the results and so far no one has been rejected but to answer your question if this one person should want to join our club that no one wants we now have control to say no...
michael salus
126 posts
Jan 26, 2010
7:28 PM
Iproller, So if I get this right... after meeting someone for the 1st time you make a judgment to weather he is worthy of joining your would you feel if you were turned down. I think if he shows up to your meeting he must be interested in being part of the roller club.That might be a rule you want to change, it just sounds a little uppity to me.

Last Edited by on Jan 26, 2010 7:42 PM
30 posts
Jan 26, 2010
7:43 PM

The club member that brought the guest gets up and makes the recommendation for this person to become a member then it is open for I said so far no one has been rejected...I was trying to avoid saying this but here goes...this policy was put in place to keep one person, in our area, that no one wants in our club, he does not have a very good reputation as a pigeon person, there I said it... are welcome to attend one of our meetings anytime as my guest...LP
michael salus
127 posts
Jan 26, 2010
7:53 PM
Iproller, If I'm ever in the area I would be happy to attend and maybe get to see some birds fly. The rule just hit a nerve with me. I know what it's like to be left out and it just didn't seem right.I hope there are no hard feelings. Maybe this guy needs a friend...
Pumpkin Man
177 posts
Jan 26, 2010
8:26 PM

I'm one of the newer members of the KRC club that Larry is the president of. It really didn't bother me that I would be considered for membership and then voted on, we also agree as members to have good conduct and represent the club and other members in a positive way. If there was someone that wanted to join that you felt would represent your club unfavorably how would you say no if their was nothing in place. I suppose the reason the Kentucky club is gaining so much momentum is because our president has made a big commitment to it and he is very organized and also keeps the meetings on topic and the agenda is not just a bunch of useless topics. We also get frequent e-mails and reminders. Just to share a little story the last meeting we had our first lawn show and I took my 5 year old. He wanted to bring his own bird even though I didn't want to take it since it was the worst bird we had but he thought it was pretty so what's a dad to do. Naturally we were supposed to bring our best and after the judging and talking about the birds the question came up now who does this bird belong too. I had to own up, well my son picked it out and I couldn't say no. While my boy was distracted the winner of the show rearranged the birds and put his blue ribbon on our last place bird and called my son in, and told him his bird had won. These are the kind of things that build clubs and get kids interested and these are the kind of guys that you want to hang out with and talk pigeons. It meant more to me than to my son of course since he doesn't know the whole story, but I appreciated the winner's gesture very much.
michael salus
128 posts
Jan 26, 2010
11:12 PM
Pumpkin Man As you can see by the time, I can't sleep. You sound like you have a great club, like I stated it was this one rule that bothered me. We had a member of our club that we had to vote out for reasons, but he didn't have to be voted on to get in. This really is none of my business and I apologize for any hard feelings. The story of your son is touching . I wish my kids took an interest in these birds that I love. Their interest was short when it came to the birds, too many other things, especially when they got older. Your son was right when he brought that bird..... he must of known it would win... :) P.S. I'll stop now!

Last Edited by on Jan 26, 2010 11:39 PM
82 posts
Jan 27, 2010
9:30 AM
There was some talk (several times in the last few years) of starting a roller club here in AZ. The latest idea was to be a small club of a few (maybe 10) hand selected "elite" members to be interviewed on a "hot seat" and voted "in" to the club. Needless to say, we still don't have a roller club in this state.
2276 posts
Jan 27, 2010
11:31 AM
The West Texas Roller Club is having its annual meeting Sunday the 31st in Lubbock Tx
Anyone interested in attending is welcome.
Contact me to get directions,I am not hard to find.
blue sky single beat
in cadance performing now
earth beckons the winged
drawn breath is let quickly forth
orchestral movement follows

___ ~_____ _
\__\_/-|_| \__\____
2928 posts
Jan 27, 2010
4:59 PM
WEST TX..................ILL BE THERE,,,

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