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149 posts
Jan 15, 2010
9:51 PM
Does anyone use bleach in the drinking or bath water? If so, how much in the drinking water a,d how much in the bath water? I worm my birds every 4 months now and I use bleach in their bath water to help keep the lice and flys down. I also give my birds pro-bios four days after I worm them. Just want to know what other pigeon guys do to keep their birds clean.
DJJeffman Spinners

837 posts
Jan 16, 2010
4:08 AM
i doubt if you get any responses buddy this topic has been discussed already and some may think that using bleach is a cardinal sin bleach kills the good gut bacteria in pigeons a friend of mne uses something called borax to bathe his pigons i use regular water
but i have heard people say they have used bleach before i would think maybe a cap full would do
jerry t
3 posts
Jan 16, 2010
5:03 AM
My two cents worth.
I have used bleach in my pigeon drinking water. I would not use any more than a couple of cap fulls for every gallon of water. Bleach is highly cosintrated. Bleach is used to kill all of the algie, parisites, and other contaminates in the water. If you are using tap water from a city/county water system you should not need to use any treatment. the water system has done that for you. bleach is a sub for treatment such as clorine. If you change your water daily you should not need to treat it. if you cannot change your water daily on most normal conditions, You might cosider why you are keeping birds in the first place. healthy birds require healthy care practices. the only way you might need to use bleach is if you do not have access to clorine, and or are using well water. just my veiw of using bleach.Good luck. Glen
Sound Rollers
180 posts
Jan 16, 2010
5:25 AM
Wow, I let my city water stand for a few days to allow the chlorine to evaporate and I water everyday.


4 posts
Jan 16, 2010
9:13 AM
John Thats great. If you water everyday using tap water you have no need for bleach. the birds will be fine without a bacteria remover in the water. one point just make sure your cleaning the water containers regulair with a bacteria cleanser. Good luck. Glen
45 posts
Jan 16, 2010
3:17 PM
ALL of us should be useing bleach to clean your waters and feeders 1 weekly at a mix 1cup per gallon let sit 20 min.dump them out .to keep bad alge out any animal should have fresh clean feed and water every day !
4061 posts
Jan 16, 2010
4:49 PM
Using too much bleach can be disastrous. Bleach kills everything to include the good bacteria needed maintain good health. I would not recommend using it in bath water nor would I recommend adding it to drinking water. I would recommend using it to clean drinking and feeding equipment. The residue that remains is more than enough to help with the killing of the bad bacteria from the bird system.
Just My Take On Things

Nick Siders
310 posts
Jan 16, 2010
5:25 PM
I don't use bleach except to clean the waterers.I put A/C vineger in their drinking water and epsom salt in the bath water.
Bill C
470 posts
Jan 16, 2010
6:19 PM
Hi Jeff, I think worming every four months is too much. But Maybe that is just they way I do it. I use wormers twice a year. Once before breeding and once late in summer. It really cleans out the birds. If you have wire floors the worms are not much of a problem but if you have solid floors then it can be more of a problem though. The worms are in eggs in the poop and if they birds do not eat soiled food and off the floor, once wormed they are not as likely to get them again. The recomendation is worm and three weeks worm again if they had worms the eggs still might hatch in the intestines, so the second treatment will radicate them of the parasites for good.

I also would not use bleech as tap water already is chorinated. Plus it adds a alcoline enviroment which aids the bad bacteria. I would use organic apple cider vinager 1 tbspoon per gallon, which adds an acidic enviroment which is bad for most of the harmful bacteria that attacks the pigeons.

Cleaning with bleech is very good though. So is the use of the pro-biotics after worming or anytime.

Giving your birds greens will really help to keep them healthy also. They love collards and persalane but they might not eat it the first time you give it to them if they are not used to it. But once they taste it, they will thrive on it. Good luck Bill C

Last Edited by on Jan 16, 2010 6:23 PM
311 posts
Jan 17, 2010
12:10 PM
I also spray the floor,perches,feeders,and nestboxes with vineger to add an acidic enviroment.
162 posts
Jan 20, 2010
12:47 AM
Thanks guys. I have never thought of the fact the city water already has been treated so it should not need to be treated a second time before I give it to the birds. Brian, I will adopt spraying the perches with ACV as well. Thanks again.
DJJeffman Spinners


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